Common Questions

Where do I park?

There is a church parking lot that holds around 40 cars. If that is full, there is parking on B St. or in the parking lot across the road.

Is there child care?

Yes, we have a nursery avaiable for newborns and toddlers, and Sunday classes for the following ages: 2 & 3 year olds, 4yr olds to 2nd grade, and 3rd through 5th grade. Newborns and toddler can get checked into the nursery at the beginning of service but we have the Sunday School aged children stay and worship for the first couple songs. After that there is a break in which parents can take their children to Sunday School. Parents pick their children up at the conclusion of the service.

Is there youth group?

Yes, we encourage 6th-12th grade students to be part of the church service, and also to join us for youth group after service. Youth group is each week for 6th-12th grade adolescents, from right after service gets done (6:30ish) until 8:30pm. Youth group consists of a meal, games, a Bible teaching, and small group questions after the teaching. Youth group meets in the fellowship hall, located in the building adjacent to the building housing the sanctuary.

What does service look like?

The environment at True Light is very relaxed and laid back. Dress is casual. Some people wear a polo and khakis, while others wear a T-shirt and basketball shorts. Our emphasis is not on external dress but rather on the condition of the heart. There is coffee/tea and sometimes treats in the foyer as you enter the building. Feel free to help yourself and have a seat in the sanctuary. We begin the worship service with announcements and prayer, followed by a couple songs. After the songs, Sunday School aged children are taken to their classes as a trivia question is displayed (usually connected to sermon) and people are able to fellowship and grab coffee/tea prior to the sermon. Sermons generally last anywhere from 25-40 minutes. The worship team then comes up and people are invited to partake of the Lord's Supper. The worship team then ends service with another song and the service concludes. 

What type of music is played?

We play hymns to contemporary worship music. There are hymns written hundreds of years ago to 80's worship music to the most recent contemporary worship music. We measure songs by the lyrics presented, and hold them up to the teaching of Scripture. 

What type of preaching/teaching is practiced?

At True Light we practice expository preaching. A book is selected from the Bible and we go through that book verse by verse. This does not allow us to hand pick our topics or candycoat Scripture in anyway. We are not ashamed of the Word of God, and seek to teach it truthfully, in love. 

What activites take place throughout the week?

We have numerous Bible studies going on throughout the week. We encourage everyone to be a part of at least one study going on in the week, in order to promote Biblical understanidng and also to be in fellowship with other believers, living life together, and strengthening one another. We have multiple Men's Bible Studies, Women's Bible Studies, and Small Group Studies going on throughout the week. There are also Bible Studies for middle and high school students that happen throughout the week.

Does True Light belong to a denomination?

We do not, we are non-denominational and have no ties to any other church or organization. We believe Jesus is the head of the church and that the Bible is our authority when it comes to church governance. We seek unity with other churches who are part of the body of Christ and hold to the authority of Jesus, as revealed to us in the Bible. The church is shepherded by a group of elders.